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Arunda ‘Sli also works with the energies and entities of the afterlife, to provide spiritual healing, sever toxic bonds and clean up haunted houses.
Entities are energies without a physical body, we can have Beings of light or Entities of Darkness, it is about identifying them and channeling which entity we are dealing with. Often our historical past of a house, drama, murder, injustice…. May have serious consequences ...
Entities said of light and good intention, are generally beings closer to the Source and in purity….
Their mission is to raise the plane of the earth as well as that of humans to be able to evolve and experience a greater awakening of our consciousness.
The so-called Lumiere guides have a much stronger energy and a higher level of work than the whole ones lost in our dimension on earth.
It is also necessary to have a very good approach to the 6 energies (natural element of the Universe) of the Universe, by working with all these parameters we can solve many problems in everyday life.
A very interesting area of the paranormal to follow ......
Are offered to you on 100% cotton paper (for the Map), at a cost of $ 99.99 / + tx your personalized sky map. You will also have all the explanations of the stars that can influence you during your life, a real job worthy of a Monk.
Read more: The Paranormal & Personalized Astrology Sky Charts
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Come and discover the world of Passages to Awakening, where well-being is at the rendezvous, whether in energy consultations for releases, links, life lessons or in Yoga of the Hands of Magickey Teknik®, for discomfort back, knee .... LIRE LA SUITE
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