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The whole range of colored glasses to correct various stages of our emotions.
The entire range of Magickey Teknik products, to relieve yourself in less than 3 minutes thanks to this technique called: Yoga of the hands and feet by Magickey Teknik
A superb variety of health products; alkaline water, beauty treatments for the skin, the body and much more….
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Chromatherapy or chromotherapy literally means “to heal with colors”. Already used during Antiquity, the principle of chromatherapy is therefore to treat a disease or relieve pain by using an appropriate color. Nowadays, a chromotherapy session consists of projecting a colored light either directly on the affected area, or in the eyes if it is to treat a more generalized disease.
Recent scientific research seems to attest the effectiveness of chromotherapy. Studies ordered by NASA have shown that red light accelerates the recent scientific research seems to attest the effectiveness of chromotherapy. Studies ordered by NASA have shown that red light accelerates healing
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Come and discover the world of Passages to Awakening, where well-being is at the rendezvous, whether in energy consultations for releases, links, life lessons or in Yoga of the Hands of Magickey Teknik®, for discomfort back, knee .... LIRE LA SUITE
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Académie Mondiale Magickey Teknik®, Magickey Teknik®,® et le slogan ‘’Yoga des Mains de Magickey Teknik®’’, sont des marques de commerces déposés, propriétées de la compagnie Original Health Distribution LTD. L’Utilisation de ces marques est prohibés à moins d’avoir une licence d’utilisation pour cet effet.
Magickey Teknik® World Academy, Magickey Teknik®,® and the slogan "Hand Yoga by Magickey Teknik®", are registered trademarks owned by Original Health Distribution LTD. The use of these marks is prohibited unless you have a license to use for that purpose.