Turmeric and type 2 diabetes benefits and side effects.
Diabetes medicine can lower blood sugar and cholesterol, protect your eyes and kidneys, relieve pain, prevent cancer, and improve your sex life. It also tastes good.
This medicine is turmeric, made from the root Curcuma longa, a member of the ginger family. About 2% to 5% of turmeric is the yellow / orange powder called curcumin, which gives curry powder its beautiful color. The taste is bite-sized, but with the right recipe, you'll love it. Or you can take capsules.
Turmeric has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic (Indian) and Chinese medicine. They give it for pain relief, improved digestion and liver function, and for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Curcumin may also help treat aspects of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. A scientific article from Beijing Chinese Medicine University and McGill University reviewed several studies on curcumin around the world. Most of them are studies of diabetic rats and mice. They have to be repeated in humans to gain scientific acceptance, but I'm convinced.
In several of these studies, curcumin reduced blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
In addition:
Curcumin prevented the accumulation of fat in the liver. Rats that consumed curcumin reduced liver fat on a high fat diet compared to rats that did not consume curcumin.
Curcumin suppresses the activities of white blood cells called macrophages that cause inflammation. This action of turmeric / turmeric could potentially slow down many complications of diabetes, in which inflammation plays a role.
Curcumin improves the function of insulin. It reduces insulin resistance by helping insulin get into cells, possibly on the AMPK pathway that exercise also opens.
In a study of 240 people in Thailand, curcumin prevented prediabetes from progressing to diabetes. About 16% of the 116 people on placebo (inactive treatment) progressed to type 2 diabetes within nine months. Person in the group receiving 250 milligrams per day of "curcuminoids" from supplements progressed.
In a type 1 version in rats, a curcumin derivative almost completely reversed the disease over a ten month period. The islet cells replenished and insulin levels increased.
Curcumin protects beta cells, which make insulin. Studies have shown that beta cells grow faster and live longer in rats that consumed curcumin.
Curcumin supports the kidneys. It helps remove creatinine and urea from the blood, which the kidneys are supposed to do.
Curcumin fights cancer. According to Cancer Research UK, “It appears to be able to kill cancer cells and prevent further growth. It has the strongest effects on breast cancer, colon cancer, stomach cancer and skin cancer cells. "
Curcumin improved erection function in rats with "diabetes-induced erectile dysfunction". She apparently did this by increasing blood flow to their genitals.
Curcumin made stomach emptying faster in rats. It improved digestion. This could potentially be a worthwhile treatment for those with the complication called “gastroparesis,” which we discussed here.
Curcumin is an “antioxidant”. Oxygen is needed for life. However, oxygen also corrodes things, as you can see when iron rusts to ferric oxide. Molecules called ROS (reactive oxygen species) can "rust" blood vessels and organs. In some studies, it has been found that curcumin "scavenges" ROS from the body, thereby protecting healthy cells from oxidation.
Turmeric, curcumin, cumin and curry
What's the best way to get the benefits of curcumin? It can get confusing.
Turmeric is a root, sold whole or ground. You can use it for cooking, sprinkle on food, or buy it in capsules.
Curcumin is the most studied "active ingredient" in turmeric. Many sellers use the terms "curcumin" and "turmeric" to mean the same thing.
Cumin is a whole different thing, a spice made from the seeds of a flowering plant. It has no curcumin, but has its own antioxidant effects.
Curry powder often contains turmeric, cumin, and other seasonings. If you like the taste, this might be a good way to get your curcumin fix.
Curcumin is poorly absorbed
The downside of curcumin is that it is difficult for the body to absorb. You don't get much of it, and it is quickly eliminated from the body.
One reason curry powder is so healthy is that it often contains black pepper. Black pepper contains a chemical called piperine which keeps curcumin in the blood longer. You can also buy turmeric / curcumin capsules which include piperine.
You can cook delicious food with turmeric powder. You can add it to scrambled eggs, vegetables, rice, soups, smoothies, or tea with milk and honey.
The Diabetes Destroyer To Reverse Diabetes In Less Than Two Months!
To maximize your chances of reversing diabetes, we suggest you try the natural drug-free method of treatment. The Diabetes Destroyer is an electronic book that is sold on the internet, it is composed of more than 270 pages and contains all the possible solutions to reverse diabetes in 8 weeks or less!
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