Garlic kills almost all bacteria!
Garlic belongs to the same family as onions, leeks and chives. It has been used since the dawn of time, especially in cooking. Some people use it to prevent and relieve many conditions. Garlic is not an herb as some people think, but a vegetable. Chefs use it to spice up their dishes, it turns a tasteless dish into something extraordinary, tasty and healthy.
However, are you aware that the majority of your fresh produce is irradiated? In other words, exposed to irradiation. “Safe Food News” reported in 1994 that “China exported irradiated garlic.
Irradiation is the process of exposing fresh and / or processed foods to ionizing radiation, which is believed to kill diseases and pathogens, and extend shelf life by altering a plant's ability to germinate ( pod).
The FDA approves food irradiation, so be sure to buy locally grown fruits and vegetables. Organic products offer a plethora of health benefits, are free of toxins and taste better than irradiated products.
Health benefits
Allicin along with other sulfur compounds give garlic its strong odor and health benefits. One milligram of allicin is 15 times more potent than penicillin.
Allicin protects against pathogenic bacteria, viruses, parasites, antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus aurus (MRSA), yeast infections, and it is one of the most powerful anti-cancer foods.
There are over 33 active sulfur compounds in garlic. Allicin converts to sulfonic acid. It is the agent that destroys free radicals the fastest. The University of Florida has found that garlic increases the number of T cells in the blood. These cells deal with viruses.
Whole foods are safer than supplements. Fresh garlic is the best form of garlic, and no supplement will really give you the same benefits as it. Squeeze, chop or crush your garlic and let it sit for 5 minutes before consuming it. This is the only way to activate allicin.
Be careful, garlic powder and granulated garlic do not have the same potential as fresh garlic.
Crush your garlic
Dr Joseph Mercola gave the following explanation:
“It should be noted that garlic MUST be fresh. The active ingredient is destroyed within one hour of crushing the garlic. Garlic peel is of no value and should not be used.
When consuming garlic, it is essential to crush it with a spoon before swallowing it. If you swallow the pod as it is, you will not activate the allicin.
There are two ways to do this: Argentine researchers believe roasted garlic releases allicin, while other researchers confirm that fresh garlic releases more allicin when left in the open for 15 minutes before consumption.
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