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Author Site Reviewresults

Not sleeping kills: depression, heart disease, diabetes ...

Here is a list of ailments caused by lack of sleep:
Cardio-vascular discomfort: Several studies have shown that heart attacks are 4 times more frequent in people with insufficient or poor quality sleep. Indeed, lack of sleep multiplies by 3 the probability of having a myocardial infarction and by 4 the risk of stroke.
Ulcerative colitis: Lack of sleep leads to an inflammatory condition that increases the risk of bleeding in the colon and intestine.

Prostate cancer: An Icelandic study showed in 2013 that insufficient sleep promotes and worsens the risk of prostate cancer. This is due to melanin, a hormone that regulates sleep which will be made in lesser quantities in people who sleep little or poorly. Lack of sleep also worsens the pre-existing tumor and can induce it.

Diabetes and Obesity: Studies clearly show that lack of sleep leads to obesity, pre-diabetes and even diabetes. There is also a total metabolic syndrome with increased triglycerides, blood sugar and insulin resistance in people. who sleep less than 8 hours per night.

Alzheimer's Disease: Recent studies have shown a direct link between insufficient sleep and the resurgence and worsening of Alzheimer's disease.

Depression in adults with sleep disturbances.


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Site web créer par le Réseau Magickey Publié par Alternativego.net   Publicité par Adpathway.com

Hébergement par Websites-unlimited.com    Et outils web gratuits par CPCGroup.ca

Et les fameux Orgo-Life pour la technologie contre le 5G  et la Fondation sur les énergies libre et renouvelables.


Testimony from our Customers

"Following a sudden fall in a staircase where I landed squarely on my head, and too dizzy to move, I had the reflex to massage my thumb constantly. I felt like I was taking care of my skin. head, to keep in touch - I did not lose consciousness - this allowed me to keep my calm and conscious breathing the 30 minutes before I could move and call for help. I continued this massage for the duration of the emergency care, with the same calm for 5 hours.

This simple gesture of "massaging my thumb" relaxed me, kept me connected to my body and focused, it was most beneficial and saving me.

For the rest, "Lucky! And Blessed of the Gods", apparently nothing major, 4 stitches and ... concussion. Here again, Hand and Foot Yoga magically supported the problems encountered.

For the headache, no Tylenol and company. Moxa on hands and feet, 1 hour per day and more, for the neck, intensive zapping on hands and feet and directly on the neck.

These two techniques alone have alleviated the physical trauma and worked positively on the nervous system badly affected.

I am happy with the training followed and grateful for the great benefits brought by this approach, when I need it. It is available, efficient and so inexpensive. (Buying tools pays off quickly, trust me.)

During the professional care for positional vertigo, moxa is responsible for reducing the associated heart aches.

Thank you Hand and Foot Yoga for being on my way - a true blessing - and helping me take charge of my health whenever I need it, at such low cost and travel. You allow me to feel free and autonomous, to feel that I can intervene for my health in a so natural and simple way. Thank you.

Thank you to all the instigators and trainers. Strongly thank you for being and Bravo for what you are doing: giving us back our power and teaching us daily health. "

Doris Levesque

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Come and discover the world of Passages to Awakening, where well-being is at the rendezvous, whether in energy consultations for releases, links, life lessons or in Yoga of the Hands of Magickey Teknik®, for discomfort back, knee .... LIRE LA SUITE



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Quebec, QC., J1X 3W8

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