Not sleeping kills: depression, heart disease, diabetes ...
Here is a list of ailments caused by lack of sleep:
Cardio-vascular discomfort: Several studies have shown that heart attacks are 4 times more frequent in people with insufficient or poor quality sleep. Indeed, lack of sleep multiplies by 3 the probability of having a myocardial infarction and by 4 the risk of stroke.
Ulcerative colitis: Lack of sleep leads to an inflammatory condition that increases the risk of bleeding in the colon and intestine.
Prostate cancer: An Icelandic study showed in 2013 that insufficient sleep promotes and worsens the risk of prostate cancer. This is due to melanin, a hormone that regulates sleep which will be made in lesser quantities in people who sleep little or poorly. Lack of sleep also worsens the pre-existing tumor and can induce it.
Diabetes and Obesity: Studies clearly show that lack of sleep leads to obesity, pre-diabetes and even diabetes. There is also a total metabolic syndrome with increased triglycerides, blood sugar and insulin resistance in people. who sleep less than 8 hours per night.
Alzheimer's Disease: Recent studies have shown a direct link between insufficient sleep and the resurgence and worsening of Alzheimer's disease.
Depression in adults with sleep disturbances.
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