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Hand Yoga Teacher by Magickey Teknik®

Learn to maintain yourself by yourself, thanks to a technique without dangers or side effects .... for all the family ..... with Aruna Chy (see the course calendar). Don't forget the Magickey Teknik® is for everyone that I am 5 years old or 120 years old, everyone can practice it.


To clean your ears with candles or the Asian Way

How to clean your ears the natural way with ear candles with the hand Yoga Team by Magickey Teknik, Aruna Chy.


Do not wait any longer and come hear the crackle of fire from the  North Dakota Indians!




Discover Quebec City Therapists...

Arunda,  Quebec Province, Canada

Co-Founder of the Yoga des Mains de Magickey Teknik®


Aruna Chy, City of Quebec

Mentor and Official Teacher

Therapist of the Yoga des Mains de Magickey Teknik®


Louise Alary,

Region of the Saguenay / Lac St-Jean

Therapist of the Yoga des Mains de Magickey Teknik® for the Saguenay / Lac St-Jean region

Hélène Patry, City of Quebec

Therapist of the  Yoga des Mains de Magickey Teknik®.  

Testomony from our Customers....

What customers think of us ....

I attended several conferences of Ms. Aruna Chy in several exhibitions and shows in Quebec, from that moment; I knew she could help me unblock, dissolve her past memories that kept me from moving forward. I met her in private. Since then, I have moved forward with new things, with confidence.

I put my limits and I find solutions to what is present at the present moment

person"My life force is coming back to me because I already tasted it as a child. Changes are occurring, are multiplying"

Thank you, Ms. Aruna Chy
Thank you for your support service, following our meetings to allow us to keep our vibrations high.

Madeleine D.

Learn to self-enter by yourself, thanks to a technique without dangers or side effects ....


Hand Yoga by Magickey Teknik® is for all the family ..... with the Hand Yoga Team , with the Magickey Teknik Team (see class calendar). This technique is for children from 5 years old to 120 years old, there is no age to do yourself good.



In Quebec, Rimouski, Drummonville, Rivières du Loup and in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean….
Now is the time to register for the wonderful 101-102-103-104, 105  and 106 (First Level) Hand Yoga Course by Magickey Tekink® to learn how to take care of yourself from the hand.
Magickey Tekink® Hand Yoga Program


Learn how the hand works in relation to the exterior of the physical body.


Thanks to the technique of Hand Yoga from Magickey Tekink®, you will be able to reduce or / and relieve various pains such as:
* Headache * Joint pain / back pain
* Flu and gastric states * Hyperactivity
* Insomnia * Hormonal systems / bladder / prostate
* Increase the immune system and energy.
* Learn to unblock the meridians of each part of the body in the hand.

Come have fun with us while learning to take Self.



You are all welcome

With Aruna Chy & Arunda 'Sli (Magickey Tekink® Hand Yoga Trainer)
TO REGISTER FOR Magickey Tekink® LESSONS at: (514) 800-8693


Follow Magickey Teknik's Hand Yoga on social networks:

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Hébergement par Websites-unlimited.com    Et outils web gratuits par CPCGroup.ca

Et les fameux Orgo-Life pour la technologie contre le 5G  et la Fondation sur les énergies libre et renouvelables.

Our Collaborators



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Come and discover the world of Passages to Awakening, where well-being is at the rendezvous, whether in energy consultations for releases, links, life lessons or in Yoga of the Hands of Magickey Teknik®, for discomfort back, knee .... LIRE LA SUITE



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Our Address


231 rue Sherbrooke, C.P. 262
Quebec, QC., J1X 3W8

+1 (514) 800-8693

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